Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sorry for the slackin, but with and 2.not having my own crap computer connecting to the internet AND 3.purging my life of the ridiculous amount of internetz I was mentally consuming, I neglected this thing pretty badly.
School is in session and the music computer lab has AMAZING giant new macs, so I will promptly start vegging out on here more often.

Brought to this blog via my friend Ashley. She made this delicious vegan pasta salad for my last party and I ate ALL of it. (Sorry, but I'm not rearranging the way it's typed):

It's pasta (duh), tomatoes, onion, sliced jalapenos, and chickpeas.

The dressing is a combo of tahini (maybe 1/2 c.), 2 Tbsp. vinegar (i used malt vinegar because that's what i had, but red wine or cider vinegar would probably be fine, too), some minced garlic, cumin, sriracha sauce, and salt-n-pepa to taste. You can add a tablespoon or two of water to thin out the dressing if it's too thick to mix well.

This is super yummy and I love the level of spice it had!

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